Sunday, April 19, 2009

How to make $ in Adsense

How to make $ in Adsense

10 Tips to Earn $ with google adsense

If you follow my 10 steps then you will be able to earn big with google adsense

1. You will have to make account with google adsense.
2. You should have a website or blog on which you will publish google ad. You can make free blog on with your gmail id.
3. make 3 different gmail id and join google groups as much you can and post to these groups your blogs url
4. Make 5 different yahoo ids and join approximately 100 groups with every yahoo id and post your blog or website URL to all groups.
5. Submit your site to all search engines.
6. Sign up to flixya at you can earn $ if you work at flixya about 3 hour every day on flixya you will have to submit your favorite photo, video, and write the blog .
7. Sign up for blogcatalog at and make discussion every day and join groups and make friend up to 4000.
8. Sign up for mybloglog at and join groups and make friends.
9. Sign up for technotity at .and ping your blog every time when you update it.
10. Do not see pornographic content on internet. After following these ten step you will be able to earn $ with adsense
After all if you think that my blog was informative then tell your friend about it.

Adsense is the first step for Internet newbie when they are start learning to make money online. Adsense is one of the easiest way to generate a decent amount of money at start. There are people who are earning thousands per day with just adsense. But they have spent time and got very good experience and tricks in this time to earn this amount each day. Here is a basic starter plan for you to earn $100 per day with adsense by using mini adsense content rich sites. Target is to take each site $5 per day income.

Choose some keywords and domains.
First step is to get some of the best paying keywords and the ones you can write on. Just google for best AdSense paying keywords to get a list or alternatively you can go to Google's keyword tool. Write any keyword e.g finance, computer, technology, web design, php, adsense, internet marketing, affiliate marketing or anything of your choice. Just make sure you are going to that topic for your first website to which you can write some interesting words.
Google Keyword tool will give you a list of top competitions on your keyword query. You can display/hide columns to view highest bid on every keyword and estimated number of search traffic. Pick a few from top of the list and start search for domains related to these keywords. Domain does not need to be related but if your keyword is also in your domain, it will be helpful in term of SEO.

Register your first few domains.
Get some web hosting account
You can try hostgator web hosting plan or any other which supports multiple domain hosting at same account. You can try coupons to reduce the initial cost for your hosting plans.

Setup a Website or Web blog
Now setup your first website. If you are going for a weblog then best idea is to upload and install wordpress. Wordpress is best in means of SEO. Write few articles (7 to 10 articles) on website.

Start SEO for your website
Submit your website in search engines like google, yahoo and msn. Use the link of your website in signature of any of web forum if you use. Forums are fastest and free way to get backlinks to your website. More posts on a forum site you have, more backlinks you can get. Then submit your website in social news, networking sites like digg, del.icious, reddit, blinklist. And submit your website to a couple of free web directories. Keep a record of everything you are doing. In two or three days your website will be indexed in google and you'll be start getting traffic from google. Now build as many links as you can but don't spam too much.

Signup for Adsense (Or use if you already signed up)
Sign up for adsense and wait for their approval. Once you got your account, create and place ads in your website. Use Ads blending and Adsense placement methods to embed the ads properly to generate more clicks by your visitors.

Final Step
Do as much SEO as you can. Build links, get more RSS subscribers, publish your site to social networking sites. Sooner you'll be get your target for $5 per day
Multiply your income
Now repeat the above steps for another 20 websites. It'll took some time but you can easily achieve $100 per day target with mini adsense sites. Just make sure you follow this rule.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot it was a good help, now to make $ in adsense is definitely very easy utilizing your advice. Thanks

